Neutronos képalkotással kombinált Neutron Indukált Prompt-gamma Spektrometria (NIPS-NORMA Neutron Induced Prompt-gamma Spectrometry and Neutron Optics and Radiography for Material Analysis) A módszerről A NIPS berendezés, hasonlóan […]
Overview The PSD neutron diffractometer is suitable for atomic structure investigations of amorphous and crystalline materials, as well as liquids where the resolution requirements are not […]
Overview The TOF-ND instrument is a general purpose high resolution time-of-flight powder diffractometer. It covers a d-spacing range from 0.5 to 2.5Å (2.5 to 12.5 Å-1 in […]
Overview The FSANS instrument is a recently built instrument at the Budapest Neutron Centre site, used for non-destructive study of the nano-structural features of various materials, […]
Overview RAD instrument utilizes transmission of neutrons or X-rays to obtain visual information on the structure and/or inner processes of a given object. Neutrons are able […]
OVERVIEW: At MTA Atomki the RBS technique is available in vacuum. The lateral resolution is excellent, down to the micron range. The thickness of a given […]