The National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and the Opificio delle Pietre Dure (OPD) are organizing, within the E-RIHS PP and IPERION CH projects, the international workshop “From cross-disciplinary research to heritage science”. The workshop will be held in Sala Giordano, Palazzo Medici Riccardi on October 18, 2018.
The event intends to celebrate the twenty-year collaboration between the CNR, the largest public research body in Italy, and the OPD, the Institute of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, through the joint laboratory whose operational and research activity is carried out in the field of restoration of works of art.
The first part of the workshop will be focussed on this cutting-edge multidisciplinary collaboration, a milestone in the Heritage Science, as well as on similar European experiences.
The afternoon session will broaden the discussion to an international level, to address the vision and challenges of the Heritage Science. A final Round Table will be dedicated to discuss, from different point of views, a common heritage science mission.